Demons and Knights (by illspk)

Tired while fighting against your demons

So tired while trying to turn off their ongoing blame

While trying to bring you to your senses

I’m only loosing energy and filling up with shame

There’s no gain nor end to this game

And it will bring me no fame

Only the loss of my peace and mind

Trying to apologize to and calm down your demons – I was trying to be kind

Continue reading “Demons and Knights (by illspk)”

Madness’ lovely dramatic response (by illspk)

Our dear hater and parasite – welcome and f*** off well

Today is another tale to tell

The toxins must again have reached your busy brain

Because you’re passing on the blame to us and you are bringing us pain

To hell with you

Eat mungobeans

Do sh** a lot and pee very rich

Let your toxins return to the universe you miserable piece of an unhappy bi**h

Continue reading “Madness’ lovely dramatic response (by illspk)”

The Joker’s Smile (by illspk)

Falling in love with someone else’s quality

Makes you guilty

You will be hunted and haunted

So beware

Falling in love with a stranger’s smile and quality

Will turn you into a fiend

Not into a friend

So beware

Continue reading “The Joker’s Smile (by illspk)”

Zodiacpoem: Dark side of Leo (by illspk)

Mirror mirror on the wall

Am I not the most handsome person in this world at all?

Intelligent, beautiful, handsome, competent and tall?


I am the queen

I am the king

Overall shiny and “bling bling”


These lower creatures at my feet

Why should I even bother to acknowledge their existence and to meet

And to treat

Continue reading “Zodiacpoem: Dark side of Leo (by illspk)”

Beauty and the Beast: The Betrayed Rose (by illspk)


There’s the feeling with which you left me on my own

You turned your back

Arrogance was the reason you’re now sitting alone on your throne


Dark shadow king

Your soul turned toxic and black

I loved you

But you stabbed me in the back

Continue reading “Beauty and the Beast: The Betrayed Rose (by illspk)”