Madness’ lovely dramatic response (by illspk)

Our dear hater and parasite – welcome and f*** off well

Today is another tale to tell

The toxins must again have reached your busy brain

Because you’re passing on the blame to us and you are bringing us pain

To hell with you

Eat mungobeans

Do sh** a lot and pee very rich

Let your toxins return to the universe you miserable piece of an unhappy bi**h

Continue reading “Madness’ lovely dramatic response (by illspk)”

Moonpoetry: When love makes you feel poor (by illspk)

It’s time – midnight is at its full bloom

Where the shadow of the moon

Will tell you when love makes you feel poor, ugly

And tattered

It reaches the darkest pitch of its gloom

When shared with the wrong people

Who will leave you tainted and shattered

Continue reading “Moonpoetry: When love makes you feel poor (by illspk)”

The Joker’s Smile (by illspk)

Falling in love with someone else’s quality

Makes you guilty

You will be hunted and haunted

So beware

Falling in love with a stranger’s smile and quality

Will turn you into a fiend

Not into a friend

So beware

Continue reading “The Joker’s Smile (by illspk)”

Letter to a Dark Princess from another Princess (reply)

Dear Danielle,

One really doesn’t know which emotional situation you have been in when you wrote this first message to me (ever since my boyfriend has introduced me to you and to Philipp) but I’ll try to give you a reply:

Continue reading “Letter to a Dark Princess from another Princess (reply)”