Dracaena draco: The Dragontree (by illspk)


So ugly the wish is coming up to die

By spreading clipped wings and starting to fly

Do you know why?

By loving a beloved who didn’t care

Who only wished to see and to stare

At a ‘beloved’ that would fit the visions and a certain world soullessly

But therefore just perfectly

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The Essence of Friendship (by illspk)

True friendship never fades

As many dangers approach

It remains steady and stays

Even if many temptations rise

Even if the darkest hour strikes

Tell me, my dear friend

Why is it that you try to understand my golden shining and chain-like burden?

Why is it that I can talk with you about my strangest and deepest fears?

And about the many of my scars

That usually scare the other beings away?

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