Madness’ lovely dramatic response (by illspk)

Our dear hater and parasite – welcome and f*** off well

Today is another tale to tell

The toxins must again have reached your busy brain

Because you’re passing on the blame to us and you are bringing us pain

To hell with you

Eat mungobeans

Do sh** a lot and pee very rich

Let your toxins return to the universe you miserable piece of an unhappy bi**h

Continue reading “Madness’ lovely dramatic response (by illspk)”

Moiraian Thoughts: One cannot care less (by illspk)

One cannot care less about the way you talk

Wondering if there‘s something that lies beyond your quack

One cannot care less about the way you hate

Because this is only your secret wish with one to mate

Continue reading “Moiraian Thoughts: One cannot care less (by illspk)”

The Morganian Revenant (by illspk)

Stupid she was

Oh how stupid

Lost she had her beloved boy

One day he’d been deceived by others

And gone was their lover’s joy

He became a dark shadow king who would cruelessly toy

Around with her soul

Continue reading “The Morganian Revenant (by illspk)”

Dragonhead Rising (by illspk)



You seem dead

It cut you open and took off your head

Now I’m sleepless, hungry and looking forward to being fed

By you

Sister – after many mares of the night that have been bred

Your cold has turned ugly and so did I – your brother – do

Continue reading “Dragonhead Rising (by illspk)”