Dracaena draco: The Dragontree (by illspk)


So ugly the wish is coming up to die

By spreading clipped wings and starting to fly

Do you know why?

By loving a beloved who didn’t care

Who only wished to see and to stare

At a ‘beloved’ that would fit the visions and a certain world soullessly

But therefore just perfectly

Who is first treating sweetly before afterwards charging a punishing fee

With twisted mind games

With twisted words

Which broke sight and tore into two separated worlds

Running after false promises and sweet lies

With my own future and ambitions I have cut ties

And flew into the sky

Flew so high where the air was thin

And where it was hard to maintain my breath

Flying around freely I have encountered finally death

And oh how bright death was

While shining upon a promising and bright future

Aside a beautiful and ambitious guy

Who was whispering love and in the end said ‘bye bye’

So many times he went away without to care

Leaving behind what he called ‘love’

He had nothing more to share

Nothing more to whisper

Except lies

For this having cut ties

With my own world to which I was once connected to

Flying high up in the air didn’t make me find heaven

It did make me go hell through

It made me cry when screams made the warm earth go cold and numb with fear

The trees arms trembling and loosing all of their leaves while they were filling up with smear

The earth shaking as the floor cracked up and leaked

The hot pitch that has accumulated beneath

Volcanos erupted everywhere

And above of it all

My mind started to crack as well as my soul was tainted with the so-called ‘lover’s dirt’

And when my soul finally started to fall

I first saw shadows creep and heard devils scream and shout

Not knowing back then what this was all about

I just couldn’t do anything but to fall free

And break while I finally had to see

And out of my conscious fall I rised

I woke up besides a wonderfully blooming tree

It was so big and beautiful it made me cry

Because when I stared at it, it smiled into my face like the otherworldly sun would do and it said ‘Hi’

‘Hi there’, it said, ‘why are you staring at me like that? Did I do something wrong?’

‘No’, I replied, ‘I was only amazed because you are so beautiful, shiny and strong.

And because I like your vibes and song.’

‘Well thank you, I love to sing, indeed and I love to vibe – it’s just me.

I go lalala lola when I feel happy and free.

I saw you falling beautifully through the sky returning my vibe out of the starry sea

So I spread my wings and here I am, blooming as your one and only Dragontree.’

(Poem and story by illspk/ Copyright@illspk/ All poem- and story-rights reserved)

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“Dracaena draco: The Dragontree“ (by illspk) appeared first on Ignis Literature.

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