Demons and Knights (by illspk)

Tired while fighting against your demons

So tired while trying to turn off their ongoing blame

While trying to bring you to your senses

I’m only loosing energy and filling up with shame

There’s no gain nor end to this game

And it will bring me no fame

Only the loss of my peace and mind

Trying to apologize to and calm down your demons – I was trying to be kind

Kind to you while still appreciating your good qualities

Your good ideas that are your happily buzzing bees

I accidentally stepped on one of your bees while walking through the woods and thinking – I AM sorry

Now your demons’ spit has turned too sour SO I worry

While your demons are ripping out the petals of every and each flower in the countryside

And cursing and spitting me in and out and to the moon and back

Then – with all respect – I slowly start to believe it is brain that you sometimes lack

Look out of the window – such beautiful day and the sun is shining

Why do you have to keep on cursing and whining

Instead of heading out and enjoying the sun

Do you really regard cursing and quarreling about nothing and everything as the true ‘fun’?

Ah, I see – it’s not really ‘you’ but then again your demons that are reaching out to me

There really is the need of a way to block them out

Instead of hearing them scream and shout

But I myself am to blame as well as trying to talk to them at all because this only makes them sprout

So it seems to be recommendable to not help them double their forces while at war

By letting them gain more energy

This is the iron truth I am only able to see

When understanding as well the nature of the forces that are dwelling and leading the sword inside of me

Namely, the vanity and stupidity of convincing you to give up this unreasonable quarrel and to be free

By playing the glorious knight in his shiny amor I am only letting your demons touch me

Therefore I’m helping them to start a happy push and pull – reunion that only feeds them and deprives me of my original glee

Instead of leaving them behind like bleating sheep and cutting off ties and ends

Because your demons and me – they can never be friends

Oh those shrewd fires and hopes that dwell in us all

If not put out inside ourselves first they can reach us from outside with a call

And make themselves grow and lead us to fall

(Poem and story by illspk/ Copyright@illspk/ All poem- and story-rights reserved)

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“Demons and Knights“ (by illspk) appeared first on Ignis Literature.

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