Moonpoetry: When love makes you feel poor (by illspk)

It’s time – midnight is at its full bloom

Where the shadow of the moon

Will tell you when love makes you feel poor, ugly

And tattered

It reaches the darkest pitch of its gloom

When shared with the wrong people

Who will leave you tainted and shattered

Those are the ones that have already died inside

The ones who have already lost their youth in their minds

The ones who never have loved themselves

The ones who make you feel bad after they first make you smile

The ones who have been hurt too badly to ever heal

Love is a feeling that can be shared wonderfully and that can be real

Now, lets let the moony shadows crack and come out wholly and explain to us why

Love wracks when you share it with people who only take but never give

With people who take but only give you sarcasm in return

With people who make you feel like you’ll never be enough for them because they decide to remain stern

With people who make you feel worthless when you tell them ‘I love you’

Now, does it still make you wonder why such behavior makes you cry?

Because giving and giving your love to such people will burn you eventually out – believe their moony shadows because they are true

And they will make you feel ugly and poor

Make you feel ashamed of your honesty

Make you feel ashamed of your good intentions

Make you feel ashamed of your pure and blind trust in the one you gave your love to

Until you reach the point where you will finally be ashamed of yourself and your ‘love’

Now, if you choose to continue to be ashamed of yourself and your love

The moony shadows promise the following to happen

You will grow old

Dark, sarcastic, poisonous and bold

Passive aggressive, morose, suspicious and porous

The shadows will make you loose all of your shiny and beautiful petals like a withered rose

The shadows will make you start to overthink everyone, everything and the whole world

Again and again will you turn over it all

Your brain will start to suffer from delusion and paranoia

But at its worst will be your fall

When you start to see those bloody shadows of your crushed and tainted love coming and crawling out of everything you touch, hear, see and talk to

Then you’ll reach the point where you’ll be going the purest of hell through

Even if there are helping hands beside you

Who would do anything to stop you from climbing up that dark tower while hearing everything crump

Now its for you to decide if you own your shame and tainted feelings towards the one you loved

Or if they as the ugly in others will make you decide to jump

(Poem by illspk/ Copyright@illspk/ All poem- and story-rights reserved)

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