You are on my mind (by illspk)

You are on my mind


Every hour

The numbers are going crazy

Not interested in everyone

I have realised that I might have fallen for you

It’s so strange

Because I don’t know you

And yet I do feel this warmness going through my body when I think of you

I feel the need to talk to you

The need to share my feelings with you

To share my thoughts with you

My fears

My dreams

My hopes

And above all to share things with you that might be interesting or helpful to you

I feel the need to make you smile for real

The need to give you good vibes

And positivity

The need to be the one that can make you smile

But I don’t know you

We are strangers to each other

And yet I do want to hug you

And keep you close to my heart

And take your pain away

(Poem by illspk/ Copyright@illspk/ All poem- and story-rights reserved)

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“You are on my mind“ (by illspk) appeared first on Ignis Literature.

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