Zodiacpoem: Dark side of Scorpio (by illspk)

Hello my friend

Are you there?

You’ll first notice me because of my sandy and glaring stare

Which I’m sending with a lot of love towards you

You have been really ugly to me

So I will be waiting for you

For my yearning dream to become true

To bless you back

As I hit my poisonous stings in your veines

Your blood will turn quite quickly black

And with my grasping and sandy claws I will crack you open at your back

For all to see of what you lack

Namely of a soulful and truthful heart

My dear

This is only the start

As you scream

My heart will beam

For as I am the worst of all your nightmares

Usually I live alone and peacefully in the cold and hot deserts

And do not care or waste my thoughts about anyone

Who does not try to bring me out of my peaceful resting spot under the sand

I am a desert creature

So give me a good reason to let you live

When you try to reach out for me with your nasty and filthy hand

And when I come to despise your funny smell and your shallow breath

Do you even realize that I am so poisonous that I can bring you death?

Or are you simply that stupid to try and test me out

In the end it will be your nightly cries the desert will only hear about

Because by day and by night

In the desert it’s me who will enjoy the sorrow in your sight

You’ll get no water from me, no hope and no gain

From all of what you’ll try to get from me you only will get pain

You will not be able to escape from me

The desert around you will peacefully remain

You won’t be able to get anywhere

Once you wake me up and get my attention

You will soon try to flee from me

But as I am the desert king my grasping claws and stings are everywhere

You’ll end up dying very painfully and crying for help in vain and in despair
(Poem by illspk/ Copyright@illspk/ All poem-rights reserved)

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The poem “Dark side of Scorpio” (by illspk) appeared first on Ignis Literature

picture by Damon Hellandbrand

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