Zodiacpoem: Dark side of Cancer (by illspk)

Sadness madness

Gloomy hall

My head is spinning


No ground to spot

For my fall


Hands grabbing me by my throat

Although I have put on my coat

I hide


In my shell


Pain is painful

And it knows me well

To call out for help


Instead of seeking this place

And these thoughts

To dwell on


Eating and eating

And bottling up until I puke

Out on those ghosts by whom I’m getting spooked



But I’ve got a pair of scissors

Which I sometimes like to use

When pain gets too painful


And then it’s quite necessary

That one gets defense from this abuse



No way in and no way out

My prey is now the one that is most likely to shout

And to scream


Like being tortured in the most awful dream

While being chewed and spit out

Like a pair of rotten seaweed

(Poem by illspk/ Copyright@illspk/ All poem-rights reserved)

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The poem “Dark side of Cancer” (by illspk) appeared first on Ignis Literature

by Damon Hellandbrand

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